Since we, the Prostho QMULians, are in our study weeks now for the upcoming exam, and no 'studying' will be complete without having to read the books *yucks!* - so naturally, topik kali ni adalah tntg B-U-K-U.
bi yu bu, kay u ku, buku! hehehehe *wink wink*
We're quite an avid reader, tp bukan buku belajar ler hehehe
a trip to KLCC, MidValley or Curve -our fav joints- won't be complete without a short detour to the bookstores..
And between me & him, he's probably the voracious one when it comes to reading.
aku dah penat baca masa blaja dulu! hehehe alasannn!
And he dreams to have a mini-library at home before he turns 40!
Habislah semua ruang simpanan, none left for me! ;)
Enough said, this is his utmost passion..
Half of his collections back in Cheras, July 2008.
The packing area : August 2008. BTHO, Cheras.
Yup, stayed like this for the whole August!! grrr!
One of the most 'depressing' things for him to leave back home, are his books. In fact, it was probably the only thing that he actually packed - by himself!
~Packing or messing things up?? Typical org lelaki 'mengemas' ?!
Nasib baik buku jer yg packing elok2, all of his magazines were spared, sumbat jer dlm kotak (tu pun sbb tuan punya dah penat, kalau tak...).
Imagine kalau tak, mesti jenuh nak pack satu2!
The collections: 18 Sept 2008 - finally packed, sealed and delivered to the storage room.
The pic as captured in the last few minutes of our BTHO home..
(the most depressing part? :P)
His new collections: May 2009. Barking.
The collections are obviously not mine! ~except for the chic lit novels :)
He sometimes grumble that he misses his books esp when he wants to check/verify something. Apa-apa ntah!?
P/s: Actually baru jer start balik mengumpul/membaca buku2 kat sini since awal tahun. kekadang tuh si dia study lebih byk dr aku! hehehe
yang paling best, buku2 kat sini mmg murah sangat, esp kalau beli online.
dan rasanya sure pening kepala mcmana nak bwk balik buku2 ni bila nak balik nnti..
Oh Ohh!! Kena sambung balik baca notes & books..exam dah dekat! :-/
bi yu bu, kay u ku, buku! hehehehe *wink wink*
We're quite an avid reader, tp bukan buku belajar ler hehehe
a trip to KLCC, MidValley or Curve -our fav joints- won't be complete without a short detour to the bookstores..
And between me & him, he's probably the voracious one when it comes to reading.
aku dah penat baca masa blaja dulu! hehehe alasannn!
And he dreams to have a mini-library at home before he turns 40!
Habislah semua ruang simpanan, none left for me! ;)
Enough said, this is his utmost passion..
Yup, stayed like this for the whole August!! grrr!
One of the most 'depressing' things for him to leave back home, are his books. In fact, it was probably the only thing that he actually packed - by himself!
~Packing or messing things up?? Typical org lelaki 'mengemas' ?!
Nasib baik buku jer yg packing elok2, all of his magazines were spared, sumbat jer dlm kotak (tu pun sbb tuan punya dah penat, kalau tak...).
Imagine kalau tak, mesti jenuh nak pack satu2!
The pic as captured in the last few minutes of our BTHO home..
(the most depressing part? :P)
The collections are obviously not mine! ~except for the chic lit novels :)
He sometimes grumble that he misses his books esp when he wants to check/verify something. Apa-apa ntah!?
yang paling best, buku2 kat sini mmg murah sangat, esp kalau beli online.
dan rasanya sure pening kepala mcmana nak bwk balik buku2 ni bila nak balik nnti..
Oh Ohh!! Kena sambung balik baca notes & books..exam dah dekat! :-/
1 comment:
owh that's mmg bookworm and salute kalau man rajin baca buku..sbb my man suka baca dlm toilet je..hehe..but our collection pun dh expand jd 2 rak...sure buku mangarut lg byk dr paeds..haha..
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