Akhirnya impian ku termakbul jua.. :-)
Worth every single minute -or should I say 120++ minutes- of queueing under the scorching sun. (masa q tuhs, terdetik gak dalam hati, whatever it was, I've got to buy something, at least a tiny small wallet! kalau tak, sure malu besar kat hubby :P , rugi masa, buang karan jer duk q berjam-jam!! hehehe)
Dahla aku q sensorang, sbb hubby tak sanggup nak duk berjemur tgh panas.. seb baik berkenalan ngan 2 org akak2 Melayu (kak Awanis ngan Kak Amilia) masa tgh q.. sempat berborak jugak 'bertukar2 pikiran".. hehe Dalam masa duk Q tuh, ramai org lalu-lalang duk jeling2 jer kat kami2 yg duk q nih.. and from their facial expressions cam ckp: buang masa+semangat gilos budak2 ni beratur! tebal muka aku.. :P and my hubby~ hilang lesap ke mana pon tatau la, dia call dekat 5-6kali tnya dah masuk kedai ke belom.. sempat gak la dia tawaf selfridges 2-3 kali sementara tunggu aku q!! hehehe seb baik incik suami sabo layan kerenah puan wifey ni.. kekeke
I was salivating profusely (cheewah!! :P) while queueing outside, looking through the shop's window, peeking at the sight of gorgeous-looking bags, hoping (and so jealouss) that those inside the store will spare a thought bout me..org melayu kata, makan tu ingat2lah org kat belakang ni haaaa..hehehehe
dahla smua org memilih slow giloss! time nak bayar, masing2 terkedek2 bukak purse! sakit hati aku tgk!! hehe pastuh smua org pakat borong sakan lak tuh! restless, tension, risau, semua ada takut takde yg best tinggal.. dari jauh aku dah aim nak grab bag yg mana, sambil dalam hati duk doa supaya takde org nampak kebestan bag tuh.. dan jugak doa supaya the price is still within my budget! :P
Sepanjang q tuhs, siap ada beberapa kali store tuh terpaksa 'dikosongkan' semata2 untuk re-stock balik rak2 dia..memang betul2 marathon sale la.. org yg membeli lak,memang borong sakan! aku cam tak caya jer kita skrgnih duk di zaman recessions!! hehe tp maybe my luck kot, sebab my turn was just after they restocked back the shelves!! fuiyoo!! dalam hati dah berbunga keriangan! :))
So bila sampai jer turn aku, rasa cam terawangan2 jer, tambah lagi sbb bag yg di'aim' sejak dr luar kedai still ada stock!! hehehe (teruk kan pompuan nih kalo bab2 sopping.. hehe :P ) terus mintak ngan SA, bukak bag tuhs tgk harga... dapat 50% discounts!!!!!!!!!! Alhamdulillah.. kalau tak, memang tak mampu nak beli!
So apalagi, tanpa buang masa, tak tengok kiri kanan, even tak sempat nak posing depan cermin pon, aku terus g cashier, bayar!! Sessi membeli-belah dalam butik GUCCI makan masa 5minit jer!!! hehehehe lepas aku dah setel bayar (kira dah lega sbb dapat bag tuhs), then baru browsed thru tengok2 bag lain.. dapat jer bag tuhs, serta merta hilang penat q berjam-jam! :P
SEMUA bags ada 50% discounts!!! Pergghhhhh!!!!! mana nak cari small boston bag GUCCI dengan harga GBP150 jer woiii.. even medium hobo/ medium boston bag pon baru GBP180!! pendek kata, mostly semua less than GBP300 (less than RM1700 jer! and I must remind u, we are talking bout original GUCCI!!) dahla semua design2 baru lak tuh!! I'm totally speechless!! ermm.. patutla memang org ramai giler Q nak masuk Gucci kalau setiap kali sale..
My hubby said this would be our belated wedding anniversary gift..
plus retail therapy after my exam..
plus to replace my Aigner yg dah nak rusakk tuhs...
ermmm..... apa2 la yang...
yg penting i puas hati!! tenkiuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
errr... orang melayu cakap, terima kasih daun keladi, lenkali nak lagi boleh?????? :P
so malas nak tulis pepanjang lagi..
dengan rasa rendah diri, I would like to introduce my gorgeous beauty... :P
kat luar dia...
murah rezeki aku smlm...
p/s : tambah terkezut lagi sebab 1 of my fren pegi q kat Selfridges this morning and this very same bag they sell at original price! takdak sebarang diskaun walau ciput pon!! pastuh siap tak ngaku lagi smlm diorg jual at 50% discounts!! Hairan bin ajaib! :P
salam wan :)
phewwww... senak perut nak tunggu entry handbag nak keluar dr dustbag ...hehehe... congrats ye
bace setiap detik saat dari nak pergi ke nak que.. mmg dapat dirasai betol... hanya org2 gile sopping je yg memahami.. org laki2 lagi la susah nak paham kan ?? hehe
wseriously dorg tak ngaku jual 50% for the same bag.. ?? ape kate u plak pergi sane n saje tanye... if they still deny it.. keluarkan bahan bukti resit itu.. huhuh... mane boleh tipu camtu.. consumer has the right.. ewahhh
psst.. bile la nak ade 1st gucci ni.. hmmm...
Congrats on ur Gucci!! (dgn nada jeles tahap gaban sbb dh q hr ke-2 satu haprak pun tader..)
takpe wish me luck in my 2nd Gucci next week..
tak aim ape2 design lagi tp ape2 yg termampu dek poket la..hehe..
Wahhh, my name got mention in a blog (:
Nice catch...Its to small for me though. I'm sure awanis happy giler with the bag.
For me, my bag is on the way to Malaysia, shipped through my sister.
huaaaaa.......itu beg buat saya nangis!!!!! bestnyer dok London...!!!
I know ur fren..heks3...takpe rezeki takde..tenkiu to ur fren yg sanggup beratur panjang2 utk his beloved wifey.. :p~
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