~I've got such a looooooonnnnnnnngggg journey home! and it was the longest week in my life!
1. My dad didiagnos dgn heart problem with 3 severe artery blocked. Actually he was in IJN for angiogram, but surprisingly dia ada 3 arteries blockage (before this memang dia ada mild symptom of heart problem tp tak sangka lak seteruk ni). dgn left main stem artery almost 70% blocked & right posterior descending artery dlm 90% blockage !! So terus diorg propose buat bypass surgery ASAP.
2. That was a major surgery, rasa cam tak sedap hati kalau tak balik, kalau tak balik pun, confirm tak leh concentrate study (I have my VIVA on 7th July).. My hubby lak insist ajak balik.. So, tanpa berlengah masa terus online on the subuh 22nd June tuh, cari tiket balik ASAP. Alhamdulillah jumpa 2 very very cheap flight tickets to KUL, via Bahrain pada 23hb (which was exactly the next day!) Gamble jer, terus ke skool utk uruskan hal2 patients etc.. Naik Gulf Air jer, but not as bad as we thought.. the food was good, leg space agak luas, entertainment agak bagus.. Overall kami berpuas hati, ala2 cam naik MAS jugak (even leg space dia lagi luas dr economy MAS!). Transit just for 2hours kat Bahrain, so sempatla pusing2 kat airport dia sambil betulkan urat kaki-which is quite good jugak..
N.B : cina kat seblah tuh siap boleh silang kaki lagi..
And of course, it is HALAL!
Kecik jer, ala2 airport Langkawi je kot.. Transit for 2hours.
3. Rabu 24 June, 10am touchdown at KLIA, aku terus on phone.. tetiba my bro text me bgtau operation akan dibuat on THAT day, and better cepat! kalut jugak la aku.. sebab in the first place, diorg ckp operation akan dibuat pada hari Khamis/Jumaat ~ingatkan sempat la jumpa2 my dad at least for one day before op, my family takleh contact aku bgtau, sbb aku dah dlm flight.. So terus berlari turun cari tiket ERL naik ERL terus ke KL Sentral. Sampai KL Sentral my bro informed me yg my dad dah tgh siap2 nak masuk OT, yg scheduled to be at 11am! (masa tuh dah kul 10.45)
4. My hubby lak terpaksa balik ke KB, sebab dia dah book connecting flight ke KB. Plannya dia akan pinjam keta FIL and bawak keta ke KL sebab agak susah kalau takde transport nak ulang alik Cheras-IJN..
5. My bro memecut kereta tak ingat dunia gak la.. hehehe sampai jer kat IJN, aku terus berlari naik masuk lif. Pak Guard pon tak sempat nak tegur aku (sepatutnya memang takleh naik ke wad kalo bukan visiting hours).. sampai2 jer, memang nurse dah nak sorong my dad masuk OT. sempat salam jer for a few seconds~ memang tak sempat cakap apapon!
6. We all menunggu dengan agak resah gak la.. sebab after nearly 10hours, my dad masuk OT tak kuar2.. at 9.30pm barula Mr Rais (the surgeon) keluar bgtau: actually the op took about 5-6hours, dan op hanya dimulakan jam 4ptg tuh!
7. At 10pm, lepas my dad dah masuk ICU barula kitorg balik umah... Aku tumpang stay kat umah my bro kat Desa Petaling. Sampai umah, terus tido! memang tak sempat nak ber-jet lag pon, sebab dah terlampau penat!
8. Alhamdulillah the op went well. After spending 4days in ICU, my dad is now recovering in HDU ward, IJN. My special thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Mr Rais Sanusi and his surgical team. May Allah bless all of u.
9. After spending 10days kat KL, ulang alik ke IJN dan serba sedikit aktiviti berjoli katak, makan2 and get together with family and friends, aku balik ke London semula yesterday. This time travel alone, my hubby stay kat Mesia. Balik just utk VIVA jer selama 4hari, VIVA on the 7th, 8th July kul 1.20pg nih aku balik KL semula, tgk2 my dad.. Touchdown at LHR kul 9.30pm, naik tube terus balik ke Barking. Agak sunyi, sampai area Barking station dah kul 12pm! Jalankaki agak laju ke umah, dengan bag yg berat, aku berjaya jalankaki dlm 5minit jer dah sampai ke umah! hehehe cuak sioot, ramai mat2 saleh mabuk... maklumler malam minggu..
Transit again.. this time pakai mask, swine flu punya pasal.
Tetiba rasa janggal pakai mask di luar dr klinik!
1. One of the main disadvantages of being abroad... Nak berjoli memang best, tapi bab2 sakit demam, urusan family ni memang susah sikit..
2. Kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan.. ye la, kitorg tak plan pon balik this year,tp ada 'rezeki' lak utk balik.. even me siap kena ulang alik KL-London lagi utk VIVA.. seb baik ada duit tabung simpanan utk emergency.. hehehe :P
3. Setiap perkara yg berlaku ada hikmahnya....
4. Better start studying/preparing for the exam early! I really need to study for my VIVA next week! and I really need the luck to pass the VIVA!! *sigh*
.... the story of my loooonng journey will be continued..
K.Wan..Best of Luck!!! dun worry..InsyaAllah semua yg dibaca utk written masih ade eventho rase cam tader..i thought that everything has gone after abis exam...tp Alhamdulillah masih lekat rupenye..relax and have a good rest..that's more important!!!take care..best nye nk balik lagi!!!
u take care ek...
wow..macam amazing race! apa pun saya doakan yang terbaek untuk akak n ayah akak as well!
waa cam sedap jer makanan tuh..hehehhe..hopefully my flight's menu will be even better nanti! hahahaha
ni apa ni blogging..gi lar study
wish me luck for my viva tomorrow!! skrgnih baru terasa bahang cuak nak exam!
anonymous: their menu is soo malaysian, siap ada nasik goreng pattaya lagi!! maybe sebab stewardess mostly melayu kot, tp tak sechumel stewardess MAS ler!hehehe ;P
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