(actually, 2 of us are in Australia for masters/and phd degree and another 4 of us are in local universities for their masters and specialists degree..)
(actually this was the second pose-the 1st pose was disturbed by our Iraqi cum NZ citizen..huhu)
ermmm... maybe we will have our second round of farewell hi tea party this friday....
(biasala, bina badan bersama usim... hehhehe)
hopefully by the next 5 years, everybody will come back with their masters/phd degree to help the superior developing the faculty... ameen... GOODLUCK EVERYBODY!
(balik esok2 kita wat projek makan2/jalan2 lagi aaa...I have had a grrreatt time with all of u guys!!will definitely miss our honeymoon time ...)
(biasala, bina badan bersama usim... hehhehe)
hopefully by the next 5 years, everybody will come back with their masters/phd degree to help the superior developing the faculty... ameen... GOODLUCK EVERYBODY!
(balik esok2 kita wat projek makan2/jalan2 lagi aaa...I have had a grrreatt time with all of u guys!!will definitely miss our honeymoon time ...)
humang aih.. mmg mbina badan duk situ haha.. sile2 mkn.. wpon ku tader, ku tetap di ati smuer.. ngehhhh...
miss the honeymoon 2gether2...
lepas nih dapat kah??? mana bleh sumer HEAD2 g jengjln...
terpaksala ku jln sendirian...
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