Just would like to share some photos on Barking riots. heard that one malaysian student had been injured and robbed in Barking, and now he is in Royal London Hospital - my school. hope he will get well soon, nnti kalau ada dgr2 cerita from school pasal budak ni i update.
Most photos were taken this morning and yesterday. Photos credit to QS photographer.
smashed door @our fave shopping mall (Vicarage Field) in Barking-yesterday. shopping mall ni terletak dlm 50m je dr umah!!

jewellery shop in the Vicarage field shopping centre.
cermin hancur @ a phone store in vicarage field.
the damage inside Vicarage Field.
dan ni pagi tadi.. windows and glass doors were covered with plywood. ASDA and vicarage field were closed, even Barclays (bank) was closed this morning.
JD sports pon kena! eventho terletak betul2 sebelah balai polis!! the brick building next to JD sports is a police station!!
looting@ JD sports barking!! kedai ni dlm 30m je dr umah!!
daylight robberies!!
and this is my fave Boots store! dlm 50m je dr umah! diorg dah cover windows dgn cardboard..
barking station, 300m from home!
barking station.
my fave EL1 bus to ilford.
Coral (shop with blue signage) pon kena loot!
our fave nandos-jz in front of barking station.
barking police station, 20m from my flat.
diorg siap cover tingkap dgn besi lagi.
ptgtd dlm kul 5ptg heli Met police duk buat survey..
more photos on Barking riots, please check here.
(my apartment is just behind the white tall building!)
seriously rasa cuak, and insecure-the first time in 3years living in london!! memang tak berani nk turun bawah, eventhough skrgni tgh takde food dlm umah!! rasa cam darurat lak, dgn kekurangan makanan dlm rumah,tak berani nak turun dan tambah pulak dgn bunyi siren polis every few minutes, and police heli hovering around every few hours!! dan dengar2 riots dah merebak ke manchester, liverpool and birm.
hope london kembali aman soon!! dan semua malaysians in london dilindungiNya. confirm esok tak gi sekolah lagi, nak make sure semua cam ok sikit sebelum start g skolah,dahla kalau klinik petang selalunya habis lambat, pukul 6 baru smpai rumah.. karang kalau jadi apa2/stranded@school naya jer!!!
p/s: esok nk kena bangun seawal mungkin, nak kena turun beli food gak. hopefully rioters and looters tak bangun tido awal la esok.. hehehe :p and to our family, dont worry we are safe and sound here. cuma kekurangan makanan je sikit. hehehehe :p
macam excuse for looting je kan?
nasib bulan puasa pun, jadi at least siang hari u don't need food... stay safe, insyaallah!
that's why bila dgr berita semalam..sebut2 pasal barking..teringatkan doc..
smg xde apa2 hdknya
tulah tengok dalam berita macam teruk & seriously teringat kat Wan, moga Wan & husband sentiasa di bawah lindunganNYA..insya allah
teruknya keadaan di barking, sampai mcm tu skali. saya doakan akak n husband serta seluruh rakyat Msia di UK ni selamat hendaknya. mmg bunyi mcm darurat dah tu, bekalan mknan pon x de
thanks to all. Alhamdulillah so far we are okay.. :)
actually memang teruk pon skrgni, tambah2 sebab dah merebak ke bandar2 lain. dan diorg ni jenis tak takut kat polis.. cuak jugak nk kuar umah.. rasanya lepasni sure racism kuat, between blacks and whites.
seb baik la dah nak balik for good..
take care kak wan!
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