Saturday, July 18, 2009

Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Thank God.


1. I've passed my Part 1 MClinDent exam last week..
They said part 1 was the toughest part! Part 1 is mainly on Scientific Basis of Prosthodontic care; which includes almost EVERYTHING, from basic knowledge in Dentistry, evidence based dentistry in restorative, endodontic and Prosthodontics.. Hopefully Part 2 will be easier.. ~so that I can berjoli katak more!! :D

2. I was offered to do MRD (Membership in Restorative Dentistry) for the third year programme.
MRD is the membership in restorative dentistry in UK/Royal College of Surgeons standard (kalo kerja kat UK dah boleh diiktiraf sbg pakar restorative la kalau ada MRD nih). Actually seblom nih dapat offer utk 2-years-course jer (MClinDent), dan offer MRD ni dioffer selepas course coordinator berpuas hati dgn prestasi masa 1st yr/Part 1 exam. Hopefully my dean approve dan boleh pass MRD ni dengan jayanya.. (diorg ckp susah giler nak pass MRD nih, kat mesia pon tak ramai org yg balik dgn MRD.. )

3. I have the best course coordinator and lecturers ever!
Tetiba terasa terharu dgn lecturers yg sungguh supportive, esp time2 family bereavement ni..

4. My dad: is getting better and better..
After the bypass surgery 3weeks ago (the operation was done on 24th June), my dad is getting better and better (eventhough he is still in IJN due to some complications). Hopefully dia kembali sihat seperti sediakala secepat mungkin.. Amin!

5. I am in KL! and been to Kota Bharu and Kuala Terengganu as well!!
Alhamdulillah... dah hilang segala rindu pada kaum keluarga, sanak saudara, tanah air terchenta.. cheewah! :P

6. ...burp! Alhamdulillah!
dan selepas lebih kurang setahun 'berdiet' daripada malaysian food, akhirnya terlepas jugak rindu ku pada makanan2 tuh semua... tp bad news nyer, I've gained weight dgn jayanya secara mendadak!!!!!!!! sesia jer daya usaha diet ku selama setahun, berakhir hanya dlm masa 2minggu! Muakakkakakaka :P

1 comment:

naza said...

Congrats!! InsyaAllah dato' approve..yea..ade geng nk berjoli kt UK ni lagi...cume sure tak sempat nk olimpik je kan??