Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Alhamdulillah panjang umur, harini merasa la sambut besdey diri sendiri

buat kali ke 31...
[camne nih, tak terasa 31 pon.. still perasan cam muda remaja! still in denial nih! hahahaha]

Sama cam hari2 biasa harini kena ke skolah. cuma agak bernasib baik sket sebab tetiba jer implant klinik sebelah pagi cancel. so sempatla melepak2 dan brunch kat umah dgn hasben. balik skolah, kul 5.30pm smpai umah, inchik hasben duk bizi kat dapur- kupas kentang! comel je kan? :P hehehe He decided to treat me with roasted lamb (his specialty la nih) for dinner, siap ke butcher beli lamb etc lagi.. :D

btw thanks so much for the well wishes, esp on facebook.
and thanks to hubby for the dinner and pressies... love u loads! ;)


izza said...

yeyey! hapi besdei! (^-^)/

Pinkwatch said...

happy birthday wan.. mugo panjang umor dan muroh rezeki sokmo2.. InsyaAllah...

BlisteringBarnacles said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry I lost ur London Phone Number so takleh wish thru SMS!! Blistering Barnacles!

Anonymous said...

Ja, happy birthday. angka tak penting ,perasaan muda tu yg penting.mesti sedap lamb malam tu kan sebab abnag wan yg buat.......

Unknown said...

wow...apa pressienye? tayang la kak ja...

JHaZKiTaRo said...

happy birthday ye!! semoga makin murah rezeki.. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy besday, Wan :)

naza said...

yup..hepi besday!!tayang pressie cepaattt!!!haha..

Anonymous said...

happy birthday sis! your SR,~aina

OneWan said...

Dear all,
Thanks so much! please pray for my success as well. this year is a challenging year for my studies.. lots of exams to pass, a research to finish,a thesis to write (and blog to update) and 4 major clinical cases to treat.

...and endless of shoppings to do and places to travel! :)

awanis said...

happy birthday wan! semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.. amin

Hana' Yusuff said...

happy belated birthday ye:)