Sunday, January 31, 2010


Wuhoo! weekend datang lagi! syiok betul kalo weekend ni. skang ni asyik malas jer nak ke skolah. tuh yg excited giler bila weekend! skang ni nak update blog pon malas, so i think i'll only update my blog every weekend jer, aci tak?! unless if there is any really special occasion/activity! hahaha


Actually early Saturday morning,we all mulakan industri membuat karipap. since nak g umah member pgtuh, so we decided to bring some karipap for them sbg buah tangan. saja nak bagi diorg rasa. dan kat sini people will appreciate more if we give them traditional homemade food compared to biskut2 or buah2an yg dibeli kat kedai. And on our way to their house then only I realised that it snowed again the night before! hehehe punyala syiok melepak dlm umah, sampai tak sedar pon kat luar dah memutih ngan snow! :P

We went to our friend's house for a dose of nasik dagang Terengganu for brunch. memang authentic bangat! makcik dan pakcik tukang masak nasik dagang tu memang diimport khas dari Chendering, and they are actually my parents' friends kat terengganu. Chendering memang tersohor bab2 nasik dagang, sebab dulu pernah heboh kepala ikan dalam lauk nasik dagang harga RM45 seketul! FYI kalo makan nasik dagang memang marbeles kalo boleh dapat kepala ikan tongkol tu, kira special delicacy la. dahla bukan semua org dapat the 'opportunity' makan kepala ikan tuh, kiranya memang org2 bernasib baik jer dapat merasa. Btw my friend's nasik dagang memang sedap hingga menjilat jari! puas hati dan rasa takyah masak nasik dagang lagi sampaila kitorg balik makan kat terengganu summer nanti! :P

I prefer nasik dagang Terengganu compared to Kelantan's. The rice and gravy are totally different.
*goggled pic. didnt snap any pic yesterday, as i was too busy engorging my fave food!haha*

on the way back home, singgah cari buku2 murah kat charity shop. I bought 3 books by Dorothy Komsoon, Marian Keyes and Cathy Kelly, super cheap! They are in very good conditions, without any defect! Actually i've borrowed and read Dorothy Komsoon's Marshmallows for Breakfast, but decided to buy it since this is one of the best from Komsoon. Tp tataula bila boleh stat baca novel2 ni semua since I'll be quite busy till the next couple of months. The only time available would be in the tubes on my way to school la kot..

just GBP4 for 3 brand new books (1 is hardcovered novel from Cathy Kelly).

then sempat singgah ASDA jugak utk replenish our groceries. dah dekat2 spring ni depa buat promotion utk cleaning stuff la pulak! memborong lagi sabun2, toilet cleaning liquid, dishwasher tabs, dishwasher liquid etc dgn harga yg amazingly super cheap!! rasanya sampai end of 2010 kitorg dah takyah beli sabun2/cleaning stuffs lagi dah! :))

jalan kat depan umah lak dah dibukak utk kenderaan lalu lalang. dulu2 jalan tuh utk pedestrian jer. smlm siap ada promo lagi utk new bus route yg lalu kat depan umah tuh. siap ada bus utk ke tube station lagi.. hahahaha pasni makin malas la org tuh nak jalan kaki ke tube station! hancusla exercise ku!! :P dan pasnih bolehla mensopping dgn lebih intensif lagi, since The Exchange Shopping Mall, Ilford is just a few bus stops away! ;)

Brand new buses, as part of East London Transit services. The buses will link Dagenham-Barking-Ilford.

okay, thats my saturday. will update later with my sunday activities (that is if I'm in the mood to blog bout it! :P) ermmm...btw tgh duk planning nak masak apa for lunch ni,tp tetiba terasa nak makan ni kat Jusco Cheras Selatan depan umah:

my favourite blackpepper chicken/mushroom hotplate noodles. kat london ni mana nak cari ek??

1 comment:

zarin said...

salam singgah...owh i pon sukeee sgt nasi dagang terengganu if nk compare ngan nasi dagang kelantan...sedap kan!
btw, im currently reading "marshmallow for breakfast" tuh...baru chapter 7..ntah bila lah nak habiskan tuh :)