Just 1 more week before the new term starts.
So far I have done these:
1. makan, tido and tried new recipe..
So far I have done these:
1. makan, tido and tried new recipe..
2. Tour London.
Spent nearly 1 whole week to tour London with Sella.
our bad luck day??!! we were stucked in Jubilee tube for more than 1 hour just to get to the London Eye, and missed our 12pm flight. After negotiating, they allowed us to use the ticket, but we have to QUEUE!
sian Sella, kesejukan sampai terketar2 tangan nak snap gambo aku nih! seb baik kamera ada antivibration!hehe (FYI: I used my fave LUMIX, malas nak angkut DSLR!) on the way back home, singgah Trafalgar jap, Sella jer yg berposing, dah tak larat sbb tgn dah beku! takper, byk masa lagi.. haha
3. shopping during Boxing day (?)
ermm... haven't done much shopping during the boxing day sale..just temankan Sella to Oxford Street & Harrods. memang 'berboxing' betul la dgn crowd! sampai pening sebab ramai sgt manusia! rasanya adala dlm 10kali ganda org kat Pasar Ramadhan Jalan TAR kot??!!!! ermm.. and I end up tak beli apa2.. so far sepanjang boxing day sale nih ,just beli school's stuff: baju sekolah 2-3 helai ngan printer..seb baik dah wat pre-boxing day sopping kat Bicester arituh! hehe tp kalau rajin maybe g lagi next week lepas smua org dah stat keje, kali ni g ngan hubby lak.. =) ~and they said there are further reductions lagi skang nih?? ermm... best2.. :)
4. merapatkan silaturrahim..
28 Dec : gi umah Yana kat Brockley
(dapatla makan laksa terengganu semangkuk dua!siap tapau lagi!hehe)
30 dec: lepak2 kat umah intan kat Hendon
(sejuk gilos kat North London compared to East!!!seb baikla duk East!hehe)
so, I've done most of my cuti checklist..
just tinggal the last part of it which is: S.T.U.D.Y!!!!!
1 comment:
menyeramkan la mayat nih..! brockely ni which part of london eh?
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