They said we must learn to cook to survive living overseas. Kalau tak pandai pun, sure before balik akan tau masak.. (hopefully? hehehe) so here we are, just learn how to cook... :D
~I am still looking for the recipe on how to make a kuih bingka ubi.. ( still can't believe that someone in London can really make a perfect bingka ubi!!) ;)
~Kudos my bujang friend who can't even do his laundry in KL, but after just 1 month in Newcastle, he managed to make karipap and chicken rice!
nampak sedap je betulke wan yang buat Ja?
syukurlah bila balik kuliah terus boleh makan
wan tu dah makin gemuk asyik makan
spagetti kot.
posle lagi gambar Ja kat uni letak kat flickr.
balik malaysia nanti bolehlah tolong
Ja masak.
macam mana dengan telinga wan?
selalulah buka skype boleh borak2.
emm pandainye masak..nnt ajak kitorang ingat nk post gambar2 food gak..huhu lapar ni..
yoy...akak chef...hehehh tuh la pasal... mungkin kita tak sehebat k naza memasak..but sure we can cook after this kan...hehhehe
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