81/100 vs 12/19!!
baru siap 81 pages, tp ada lagi 12 hari utk submit!!
rasa2nya sempat ke tak*??? agak susah sbb skrgni klinik dan kelas still full, berjalan cam biasa.. musim2 dkt2 nak summer break ni laa ramai patients buat hal,demanding giler2 (sbb diorg tau students akan bercuti panjang!)
*kalo sempat, hari ke 13 tuh jugak saya enjoyyyy!! shoppingggggggg!!! packingggg!! :P
hmmm sungguh la takde life skrgnih, dan dah nak termuntah baca journals! takdak idea nak blogging. tp kalo nak tau citer pasal molecular weight, plasticizers, polymers,leaching, hardness test, elasticity, tissue conditioners etc etc etc, boleh jer nak citer... sampai esok pg pon lom tentu abis! :P
umah lak tunggang langgang giler. i mean mmg SERIOUSLY tunggang terbalik!! yess! THAT SERIOUS! hahaha seb baik hidup sorg2 skang ni, kalo tak... kompom sakit jiwa raga cik abg sorg tuh! :P
p.s: poyo je kan? org wat phd thesis 3-4 kali ganda lagi complicated pon tak bising2/stress ke hape... hehehe tp saya mmg takde bakat nak jd scientist!
p.s.s: to my boss: dont think i'll do phd after this! tp kalo nak suh wat sub-specialist boleh ajer! hehehe :P
OoOO you should see the condition of our living room (its our study room too) filled with papers EVERYWHERE!!! sigh!!! lagi sepah sebab dua2 serabut! hahahahahah!!!!
I feel for you babe!!! Good luck .. I am sure you'll finish on time :D
thank you!! tp i mmg salute la org2 yg buat phd ni! i awal2 lagi surrender kot! hehehe btw nih silap diri sdr, sbb start writing last minute sangat.. :(
chaiyok..chaiyok..u can do it!!
boleh tahan laa semak...aku wat thesis pon x laa smpai mcm nie...huhu
bwh kaki meja pon ada yg tersepit satu! hehehe :P insya allah balik ogos till lepas raya..
buya: :P
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