Last Friday, bersempena Prof cancel kelas one whole day, kami2 para pelajar prostho QM kuar minum2 dan get together. actually dah laamaaa plan nak kuar minum2, sejak dr last year lagi.. haha last year semua plan tak kesampaian,kunun nak wat xmas dinner la, nak berpiknik time spring la,nak ajak diorg nih g makan2 malaysian food la, tp semua tak kesampaian.. maklumler we had been too busy with all the seminars and journals etc last year, even during weekend pon tak sempat nak bernapas (but seb baik still idup!) hehehe :P
dan alhamdulillah this yr berjaya jugak kuar beramai2 (eventho tak cukup korum, tp boleh laaa as starting point kan..), and thanks to Kalliroi's effort for organizing the outings. and thanks to Dr Parker jugak, sebab sporting bg pelepasan i kuar lab awal (i was suppose to finish up my preliminary study that day, but managed to kuar awal jugak!memula tu penat duk reka nk bg alasan apa, tp dr parker tak kisah pon..even tak tanya lansung aku nak kuar g mana! hehe) :-)

We just went for a cuppa tea. ok, mind u, this is not just normal tea in costa, gloria jean's, starbucks or whatsoever. actually we went for a fine dining english tea in Harrods! :P

me, wanie and hikmah. wanie was my classmate in ukm, and just joined us in QMUL last september. actually we did invite the 1st year students to join us as well, but only wanie turn up. tuh pon lepas i paksa2 datang!hehehe

Kalli, Dilla and her hubby, azman.

Actually there are 7 of us in the 2nd year, and 3 in the 1st year.. yg dtg hanyalah 6 org : 4+1+1 (4 second year, 1 from 1st year and dilla's hubby). yg lain, semua ada hal and a few were out of inchik Marwan pon tak join, since he was not feeling quite well.

the servings: sandwiches, scones and cakes.
sandwiches: cheese sandwich sedap giler okeh! (we even asked them to change ham sandwiches to cheese sandwich.. sian kalli terpaksa join kitorg jd vegetarian dan takleh makan ham harituh..hehe)

scones: the best scones i've ever tasted! seriously sodap giler! tersangat rich and buttery... yummilicious!! dan kek pon sedap giler! rasanya i boleh ngap habiskan semua all layers kot! haha
They offer a huge range of teas. sampai terjuling jugakla bijik mata nak pilih tea mana yg sodap.. dan harga semua jenis tea tuh adalah sama..

Wanie and I ordered Harrods tea (mild and sweety tea), Victorian Rose tea (rose flavoured tea, sedap giler) for Dilla and Hikmah, and Darjeeling tea (pekat giler, yg konfirm boleh sembelit seminggu kalau berjaya habiskan 1 teapot tuh! hehe) for azman. and kalli, semestinya coffee for sure (dia nih memang hantu kopi!) ;) memula tuh masa order ingatkan dapat 1 cup jer, rupa2nya dapat 1 teapot seorang lagik!in the end, pakat pass around teapot tuh dan sharing is caring! :P hahaha

suasana romentik lak tuh, dgn life piano music in the background lagi! was thinking of dating with mister marwan one day kat sini nnti.. *wink*

We had a blast chit-chatting.. walopon fine dining, tp bila dah bergelak ketawa, terus lupa table manners!haha siap mat saleh sebelah menyebelah jeling menjeling lagi! in the end, siap kena 'halau' lagi sebab diorg dah nak tutup restoran (entah2 maybe sebab bising sgt kot?!) hehehe :P and it would be awsome if Suhayla, Ahmed and Hina joined us that evening!

...dan food habis licin!siap ada org tapau scones bawak balik lagi! :P hehehe

Eventhough it was quite pricey for a cup of tea, tp best giler, okeh!!!! (tp dah dikira murah untuk taraf fine dining@harrods..kalo makan kat Chillis/TGIF/hotel kat mesia pon tak murah jugak,kan! :P) ~I'm planning of celebrating our birthdays kat Harrods next year. siap ada org mainkan piano lagu birthday, life lagi tuh! memang superb dan high class, you! memang jaaauuhhh lagi best compared to celebrate besdey kat TGIF/Chillis!
*dah jatuh chenta to Harrods fine dining!* :PA totally new experience for me.. priceless! it is a must kat sesapa yg nak turun london! highly recommended!! To QM postgrad prostho-lians: we should do this more often!
and the next trip: maybe malaysian food xmas dinner pulak kot. tgh duk survey2 restoran malaysia yg best kat london. kalinih maybe pegi ngan lecturers jugak, as my course coordinator teramat sangatla suka malaysian food,esp char kuey teow! (semustinya dia tatau nak sebut CKT! flat spicy noodles with mussels-thats the way he described it) Kalli pulak suka makan nasik daun pisang, dan Suhayla suka makan bihun goreng (actually i pernah bwk bihun goreng masa seminar party last year,terus dia jatuh chenta!) :)
*credit to Hikmah for some of the pics*
1 comment:
isk jeles jeles jeles..terlyuq ni... :D
miss u guys hoo hoo...
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