*sigh*... just few more days left.. tetiba jer rasa cam takmo gi lak...too many things to do, too many things to think of, but too little time is left! the main problem, is finding an accomodation in london! then I've to settle everything at home- sell the car,terminate the phone line,settle the bills, inform the neighbours-hopefully they will help looking after of the house.., CLEAN the house,shopping for goods to bring, post the books and think of ways to manage hutang2 kat mesia nanti.. and in the office- try to settle everything, hand-over unsettled work(so far tatau nak handover kat sapa lagi...) and rearrange timetable and visiting lecturers for the upcoming semester...*sigh*

kemas umah ker sepah kan umah?? dah mcm tongkang pecah (agaknya tongkang pun bleh kalah!)...hehehehe ( obviously, we are not allowing any guests coming for the time being)
now we are in the process of preserving our 'assets' in our own way -we packed our books in plastic bags and cling wrap, then keep it inside a box..(sayang woo, duit gaji tetiap bulan habis kat buku jer..)..*sigh*dahla byk giler buku, kat gambar tuh pun baru dlm 1/5 jer kot.. mati la camni... huhu
akak chaiyok!!!
walaupun min takder umah n family, but i know how u feel though..
coz I'm also movin all my KayEl life back to alor star by myself...
packin' here n there but its like endless work which always undone.....
but u only feel relief when melangkah masuk kapal..but then... u hav 2 worry bout the life ahead..
tapi berbaloi la..
yep3.. sgt stujus. takde pikir da pe brg tinggal. selambe je redah nek kapal seret beg. tau nk pi beli brg baru je hahah..
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