Migration and transition period.. still & again!
After 1 week in our small room, we moved out to a larger studio last night, as it is more comfortable, and furnished with built-in kitchen cabinet-complete with cooking utensils,washing machine and bigger fridge...and, we have a 2-seater sofa! (mcm luxury jer rasa dapat duk kat sofa,after 1 week terperap kat plastic chair (tu pun ada 1bijik jer) ngan katil jer...hehehhe)
But we have to pay an extra of 60pounds for this comfortable room.. (which is okay i think- at least boleh masak2 for raya.kalau kat bilik lama, asyik2 makan brahims jer utk bukak posa, takpon masak kat rice cooker...tp serious, rasa mcm dah kurus la skrg nih.. p/s:mean, jgn jeles ekk??hehehe)

and harinih, 1st day since sampai, dapat makan full balanced meal for iftar complete with kuih lagi...(bagi meraikan migrasi nih, siap buat kuih cik mek molek lagi..dah lama takde kuih moreh..asyik2 makan oreo jer utk moreh..huhu)
ermmm...we have migrated twice since we arrived in london! *sigh* can't wait to settle down!hopefully by nextweek lar... huhuhu
oreo tu kira kuih ke? :D
bolehla kan,kalau dah takde kuih lain... hehehhe
that's much better place to stay
but costs us more..
kurus?? ngehheghegehge.. tgk la nnt k..min dok post sumer pic lama tuh..hehhe
kita tengok sapa yang kena... hahaha (dah lama tak dgr ayat tuh)
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