and the provider keeps promoting me for a 'free upgrade', that is u'll get a another new phone for free, but I have to be on another 18months' contract!
But no thanks, as I already have a bb, and hubby is currently using i-p .. err more towards the desks and drawers are keeping the i-p well now!he rarely use it, happy by charging the battery every fortnight (or is it once every few months??haha) and more than satisfied by not even let it on! hahahaha.. I think maybe its another sign of ageing; no-phone-can-fancy-us stage.. as for us, phone is just for texting and calling, and our needs can be well managed with this old bb and his old i-p..
enough said, I am content with this 2 babies.. :P
p/s: now I can concentrate on my major agenda, and better save the money for the 'it' !! :P
wah...nk jugak hp canggih se...kecian kat aku...huhuhu
uiks major agenda???
mana ada canggih, sama cam tepon biasa jer nih..
yup!!! very the major lar.. :P *wink*
jap confuse sket..ni phone br ke dapat yg baru lg satu???my contract will end soon..tgh pk nk upgrade ke tak??hehe...
nih phone lama lar, yg kontrak dulu2 tu baru abis. so dah malas nak upgrade/renew contract, so we decided guna prepaid jer dulu! sbb tatau nak pilih henfon apa dah.. yg ada kat umah ni pon tak guna sgt (except for texting + calling)..hehehe
£35 x 12 = £630 = nothing to shout about, gone with the wind, rarely utilised the calling time and smses quota...extend pon, will get another new phone. but u only use it for text/call, once in a blue moon.New HP, canggih pon, duk dlm poket jer...
£630 = 1 designer bag (or a couple, or more?) = a return trip, with accomodation, for 2 to Athens AND Cairo = can pay several items in our wishlist maaaaa...good lor!
Your Financial Advisor (FOC-FL)
£35 x 18 = £630 = nothing to shout about, gone with the wind, rarely utilised the calling time and smses quota...extend pon, will get another new phone. but u only use it for text/call, once in a blue moon.New HP, canggih pon, duk dlm poket jer...
£630 = 1 designer bag (or a couple, or more?) = a return trip, with accomodation, for 2 to Athens AND Cairo = can pay several items in our wishlist maaaaa...good lor!
Your Financial Advisor (FOC-FL)
haha..bagus tul financial advisor ni..we all pun duk calculate the same..
btw dh hint major project..ok la for 2..if us for 4..still tak cukup maaa..bile trip tu??my next conference will be in Athens 2011..trip free maaa..jom la join!! ;P
naza: bestnyer dpt g athens free!! jeles..jeles.. btw tuh just perumpamaan financial advisor.. FYI, the cost of 18mths' phone contract is just half of my major project, and it has nothing to do with travelling pon.. nntila kalau dah berjaya, saya warwarkan kat sini.. :P
major agenda = fancy european car? :D
pinkwatch: cars?? owh tidak benar sama sekali.. :P
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