Sambungan cerita our autumn travel journey ~second day in Athens..
Selepas keluar je New Acropolis Museum, kitorg terus patah balik ke hotel utk naik bus hop-on hop-off (HOHO). station bus HOHO nih dlm 30m jer pun dr hotel.. actually tiket HOHO nih dah beli lama, sejak dr london lagi, siap dapat 25% off lagi tuu! hahaha :P
me masa duk tunggu bus HOHO. weather mmg best, dlm 16degrees je! just nice jer,ala2 spring kat london jer!! jaket mmg dah lama campak tinggal dlm hotel jer! (tapi org2 greece dah anggap cam sejuk giler, siap wrapped up dgn jaket tebal etc lagi! hahahaha)
Selalunya kalau ke mana2 destination, wajibla first round tuh just tgk view dr atas bus, enjoy the scenery sambil2 plan nak turun kat mana, then bila second round kat atas bus tuh baru hop off utk amik proper pics. tp kalinih, tak tunggu habis satu round pon terus hopped off, sebab nak tgk change of guard at their parliament house!!sebabnya nk kejar tgk change of guard ceremony kat parlimen nih pukul 11 pagi! :)
Greek Parliament Buildings, Syntagma Square.
sompat gak posing seround kat parliament tuh sementara duk tunggu abang2 askar datang.. haha
upacara diketuai oleh brass band, siap ada seekor anjing pengiring tuh..hahaha :p
ramai giler org tgk, ok!! masa nih mmg dah terpisah jauh dgn hasben, masing2 terpisah sbb nak cari angle baekk punya utk snap pics! :D
boss tgh usha, silap langkah ada habuannya! *ngeeee*
ketua kontijen pakai baju kaler merah..
surprisingly, askar diorg pakai skirt/kilt!siap pakai leggings warna putih lagi! :P
and pompoms on the toes!! :P
perarakan masuk askar2 ke depan parlimen..
The kilt (fustanella) needs 80days to be sewn and consists of 400 pleats, which represents the 400 years greece occupation under the ottoman empire. and we were informed that the guards need to take care their own kilt, and this includes ironing the kilt!! *mati lar nak iron!!*
senam diri..
then askar yg berjaga/berdiri depan parlimen tuh (Evzones) mula longgar2kan badan.. siap angkat kaki 90 degrees/tinggi2 cam ala2 nak betulkan urat gitu!! mmg agak lawak gak lar! :P
then askar gantian akan ke depan.. utk upacara changing of guards.. ;D
dan guards yg dah penat kembali ke dlm barisan utk pulang ke barrack..
tetiba terasa kiut bila berdiri seblah askar tinggi! hahaha actually mmg ada requirement utk jd Evzones nih, kena at least 6 feet tall!
tp apapon, yg ini jugak lagiii encem.. :P

askar melayu! :D kann?? *gambar hiasan*
bkn semua yg kulit putih dressing encem...jd, banggalah dgn diri kita ye! *patriotik sket*
bkn semua yg kulit putih dressing encem...jd, banggalah dgn diri kita ye! *patriotik sket*
so lepas jer tgk changing of guards ceremony, kitorg berjalan2 sekitar syntagma square...
Benaki Museum
nih lak archeological site yg diorg terjumpa masa gali utk station metro..
terpaksa diorg alihkan station ke tempat lain...
Arch of Hadrian, est 131 AD. dibina utk celebrate kedatangan Roman Emperor Hadrian ke greece. arch ni terletak menghadap acropolis dan bersebelahan dgn Temple of Olympian Zeus. on the side towards the acropolis, it was written : this is Athens, the ancient city of Theseus, while on the other side facing the olympian zeus : this is the city of Hadrian, and not of Theseus.
me@ Arch of Hadrian.
dan dr Hadrian Arch, kitorg tunggu bus utk sambung berjalan2 lagi.. dan apa yg saya boleh katakan, makin byk saya berjalan2 europe, makin kuat jatidiri kemalaysiaan saya..serious!! *patriotik gilos* i will explain further in the next entry!
...will be continued..
1 comment:
lawak tengok orang laki pakai legging!!
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