At first, we tot that this gadget would be too big for our tiny kitchen, but surprisingly the size turns out to be just nice! with the size of slightly bigger than a blackberry, and the modern chrome effect, this can opener fits nicely in my kitchen! :D
This gadget opens cans brilliantly well. All u need to do is put the can on the magnetic holder (there is a magnetic hook on the body of this gadget), switch on the mains and press the handle! and can is opened within seconds!
A can in position..
switch on the mains and press the handle..
the can opener in action... :D
errr actually u dont have to hold the handle all the time, u just need to press it once only. but being me, i felt secured by not letting it go- well actually i was scared that the can will drop off and spill its content onto my kitchen top! but it actually won't!! hahaha
voila! can is opened within seconds! in 11 seconds, to be exact! and the can still sticks to the magnetic holder/can opener.
and a magnet will grab hold of the lid after the opening process.

it cuts nicely with no sharp edges, clean and no splashes. so no worries! :D
it cuts nicely with no sharp edges, clean and no splashes. so no worries! :D
The can opener can also be used as a bottle opener.
Demonstrating how to use the bottle opener. (no, i don't have any bottle to open yet!hehe)
and u can also use this gadget as a knife sharpener! ermm actually it is an electric knife sharpener!!! and it really sharpens my knife!! we were really impressed!
This multifunctional 3-in-1 can opener is really worth buying and it is value for money as well!!! Awesome product from kenwood! *clap*clap*
p/s: I love my kitchen gadgets!! :P
best!! hrtu nk beli jugak but voucher half je blh gune..hehe..hope ade la lg by dec..and i guessed rite!! Kenwood!!
salam ja..berbaloilah ya..yg best bagi mama ialah knife sharpener tu,taklah payah yg batu tu kan..
nama pun kenwood..nama tersohor serata dunia..
brapakah pricenya in RM? ;)
modern chrome effect tu dok kat dapur i 2-3 bulan jadi la rupa loyang aluminium nanti, hehe
cool lah
dear wan..reply me..i need ur acc details!!
beli lar! mmg value for money!! :D
mmg berbaloi-baloi! :)
price? segan nak announce kat sini,bleh? haha :P
kena sokmo gilap la utk maintain modern effect, kalo tak kompom jd loyang effect nnti! hahaha
dont worry, will definitely reply ur mail. tgh bizi sket dgn kelas skrgni,and will be out of london lak weekend ni.. need to check the postage etc before replying, ok! :)
FI, there are certain type of cans in Msia that cant be opened using this gadget;like tin susu cair cap junjung; lastly have to keep manual can opener jugak kat ghumah.
Other than that, mmg mudah lah!
Salam anonymous,
yup, rasanya mmg takleh guna pon utk aluminium cans, sbb dia guna sistem magnet. so thats whyla rasa2 cam nak kena beli One Touch pulak kot pasnih?! hehehe ;)
Salam sekali lagi Wan.
Ya, a good choice if Wan buys the one touch tu ....mudah & bersih tambahan ur kitchen gadgets semuanya ada class!
ok babe!
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