Upacara menggemukkan badan dengan murah dan berkesan drp Ben and Jerry! muahahahhahahaha Guess what, I bought 2 tubes of B&J ice creams for just 3 quids!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to ASDA for the super fantastic B&J ice cream promotions!! murrrrrrahhhhhhhhh gilerrrrrrrr!!
even after conversion, RM15 utk 2 tubes of B&J ice cream, still consider murah giler kan? :P
all time fave choc fudge brownies and half baked ice creams! and now I must restrain myself from opening my fridge and going to ASDA again today!!! :PP |
hai there!nk just nk share link about ben & jerrys
same2 kite share,ok:)
there could be 2 possible reasons why BJ playing safe on such matter in their website:
- legal implications, as some still consider even 0.0001% of alcohol substance as still Haram (perbezaan pendapat dlm Islam).
- probably due to some of their products are still in the process of being re-developed/re-packaged such as to comply with Halal guidelines. plus those products haven't yet been certified by any supervising bodies eg Jakim as complying with halal guidelines.
thanks wan for d useful links;)
really appreciate it.
see..sharing is caring:-)
Hi Nini,
thanks for dropping by, and thanks for sharing as well!!
ermm.. actually yg menjawab tu hasben saya, :) kebetulan dia pernah tulis pasal ni kat facebook dia, tu yg dia copy-paste balik jer.. :D hope thats helps!
and thanks for raising this issue,kot2 la ada org lain nak tau jugak kan.. :) lepasnih kalau ada apa2 kita share kat sini lagi, ok!
sorry.dh terperasan bkn wan yg type..tp terlupa nak retype blk komen.ok2..tq utk husben wan gak eh..sy dulu pun pernah suka makan b&j..ok,now,,bleh makan blk..:-)
nice blog btw!
keep on writing even dh blk msia k;-)
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